Food Pantry

What is The SCF Food Pantry?
The SCF Food Pantry is an area to receive free food and hygiene items for our students in need. We have non-perishable food items like rice, pasta, sauce, soup, canned vegetables, and more. We have select hygiene items as well. Use of the pantry is confidential. Food will be available while supplies last. It is our mission to always have our pantry stocked.
FAQs | Frequently Asked Questions
The SCF Food Pantry is available to all SCF Students. Students can be referred by any SCF faculty or staff member.
Nothing! All items at the SCF Food Pantry are free to our students.
The SCF Food Pantry is located next to the Cafeteria in Building 14 on the Bradenton Campus and next to the Cafeteria in Building 500 on the Venice Campus. Food is available on the Lakewood Ranch Campus by appointment. Please see contact information below.
The SCF Bradenton and SCF Venice Food Pantry is open 24/7/365. The Office of Student Life is available during business hours Monday – Friday, 8:00am – 4:30pm. After hours, contact Campus Public Safety.
Food is available on the Lakewood Ranch Campus by appointment.
Bradenton Campus:Â
Primary Contact: Tessa Bravata (941-752-5607)Â
Backup Contact: Audrey James (941-752-5310)
Venice Campus:Â
Primary Contact: Neil Ferris (941-408-1523)
Backup Contact: Public Safety (941-408-1550)
Lakewood Ranch Campus:Â
Primary Contact: LouAnn Gregory (941-363-7213)
Backup Contact: Susanne Walters (941-752-5603)
Local Food Bank Resources
- Church of Christ
201 MLK Ave East
Bradenton, FL 34208
Church of Christ gives away free food to anyone who shows up every Saturday from 8-11 AM. - St. Joseph Food Pantry
2704 33rd W
Bradenton, FL 34207
St. Joseph Food Pantry is open Mon-Fri 9 am-12 pm, and Wednesday night 5 pm-7 pm.